So Baskin Robbins has a new logo. The infamous, playfully fun pink and blue logo is no more. Fortunately, the new logo still uses the same clever concept of combining the BR and the 31, but in a different way.
Overall, the new Baskin Robbins logo is a successful redesign, though I do have some issues with it. So let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the everything else about the new Baskin Robbins logo.
The Baskin Robbins Logos
Since the beginning the Baskin Robbins logo has always has a similar, playful feel to it. Pink has been the most consistent colour over the years; and this has seemed to work well for the brand. On the other hand, the typefaces have changed dramatically over the decades. Though even as the type has changed, the 31 has always featured prominently.
1947 – 1991
The 1947 version has a very old-timey western quality to it, so when the logo was redesigned over forty years later, it was a massive improvement in every area. The 1991 logo replaced the brown with blue, used a much friendlier typeface, and redesigned the 31. Technically, it’s a good logo. It certainly doesn’t feel as dated as some logos from the 90s, though I understand the thought process for why they wanted to refresh it again in 2006. It needed to be more fun.
The way the 31 flavours of Baskin Robbins is cleverly embedded within the B and R of the 2006 logo is great design, and it’s taught in design books as such. The 2006 logo is a great evolution from the 1991 version. The type is a bit childish, but that was clearly the point. It has personality, it’s simple, unique, memorable, and fun. Did it need to be redesigned again? Probably not, but that’s not really my decision to make.
Every time a majorly recognizable brand changes their logo the reactions are mostly negative. People are used to seeing a brand in one particular and familiar way. Unless a logo is famously terrible, the public usually has a lot to say when it changes. In the case of Baskin Robbins, we are dealing with a famously great logo. We’ve been seeing the 2006 version for so long now that even if it wasn’t the best logo for the brand, it is the one most associated with the Baskin Robbins.
It’s interesting that they ended up removing so much of that playfulness for the 2022 logo, despite using the same concept. It’s just executed differently. The typeface that makes up the B and R actually gives a nice callback to the 1947 logo’s typeface.
With Baskin Robbins we’re not dealing with a fashion, banking, or tech brand. We’re dealing with ice cream. There should be some fun in it. But let’s assume that with the 2022 redesign, the designers were trying to find a middle ground here; something more professional, but still fun. Did they accomplish that?
The 2022 Logo
Now let’s talk about the all the good things and the bad things regarding the new logo.
The Good
I do think the colour scheme for the new logo is better than the two prior versions of the logo. The brown and pink colours return the logo to its original 1947 colours, which I think fit with the ice cream theme much better. Brown and pink = chocolate and strawberry. Delicious. There was nothing really wrong with the blue, and it certainly works too, but as someone who loves chocolate ice cream, I do prefer the brown.
The other thing I really like about this new logo is the R; specifically the brown area of the R with the curl at the tip that looks very much like ice cream. While the majority of the logo is more reserved, this small bit is the most fun and unique part of the whole logo.
The Bad
Okay, now let’s talk about the things that are more problematic in the 2022 logo. For starters, it’s not as exciting as the 2006 version. That’s more my opinion than an actual technical issue, but it would be hard to argue that the new logo is more fun. Though, as I mentioned before, I think that was the idea.
Overall, my biggest issue with the new logo is the holes. The two giant, perfectly formed circles in the B somehow are where my eyes are drawn to first, every single time I look at it. They really pull focus from the rest of the logo and there doesn’t seem to be a reason to justify this. Going all the way back to 1947, every Baskin Robbins logo has a prominently featured circle in it, but it fits in with the prior versions much more smoothly. In the 2022 logo, these circles seem jarring and forced.
I’ll show you what I mean by making some edits to the logo; separating the colour forms from each other and eliminating the circles.

Here’s my hastily done logo improvement to eliminate the giant, geometric, attention-grabbing circles. First, I added in a small space between the brown and pink colours, like in the 2006 version; though this doesn’t really seem to improve things much.
Next, I simply eliminated the half circles from the B and rounded the corners slightly to match. This edit takes the logo back much closer to the 2006 version. This seems to work better because there are no elements inside of the logo that pull focus. If I were to work on it a bit longer I might try to emphasize the form of the number 3 a bit more. Overall, I still prefer it much more.
Lastly, my only other criticism is that the typeface they chose is maybe a bit too corporate. If the logo imagery were a bit more playful this text might work better, but having both the type and imagery be so straight-laced just isn’t as fun as the 2006 version.
Final Logo Verdict
So now let’s give the new Baskin Robbins logo a proper verdict, out of 6, based on the logo design checklist.
Is it appropriate for the brand?
While being a step in a more corporate direction than the previous logo, I think this logo still fits the Baskin Robbins brand. When you see this new logo out in the real world, it works.
Is it simple?
It absolutely is simple.
Does it commit any logo faux pas?
Yes and no. The two large circles for the B are so glaring, but obviously deliberate. Though I think this really come down to personal preference. Just because it bothers me doesn’t actually mean it’s actually an issue. For that reason I’m going to say this logo is faux pas free.
Does the typography compliment the other visuals?
The typography, aside from not being as playful as its predecessor, does compliment the other visuals.
Is it memorable?
The new 2022 Baskin Robbins logo is still memorable because of the uniqueness of the 31 inside the BR. Despite this being a design choice from the 2006 version, I’m glad they kept it. I think people will likely still associate the company with the 2006 logo for a while simply because that version was more memorable and unique, but in time, they will do the same with the redesign.
Is it versatile?
Because of its simplicity, basic forms and simple colour scheme, this is a very versatile logo.
Overall, the new 2022 Baskin Robbins logo gets a 6/6 on from the logo design checklist. It’s a good logo, even if it contains elements I would like to change. But you can’t please everybody. That what ice cream is for 🙂
The New Baskin Robbins Logo – In Summary
As I mentioned before, whenever a major brand redesigns their logo, there are always negative comments. Always. Even back in 2007, the logo received negative reviews from some who thought the new logo was just a bit much; which seems like fair criticism because the 1991 and 2006 logos have dramatically different appeals.
It doesn’t really matter if there is a lot of negativity around the logo; what matters is if it works for the Baskin Robbins brand going forward.
What do you think about the new Baskin Robbins logo? Would you alter it if you could or do you think it’s perfect as is? Let me know in the comments below.
Photo Credits
Photo by Crystal Jo on Unsplash
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash